Nature Quest Mountain


Beautiful mountains are not only an adventure or an inspiring background but a catalyst that boosts insights that become deeper and more long-lasting. Nature has all the time in the world. When you are out there, you automatically relax into the present moment. Weather and wind, light and darkness, hunger and thirst are factors that divide our time organically in total accord with nature. Our place is carefully chosen in the forests and the Scandinavian Mountains and Nature reserves.


The Challenge
In dealing with the rapid change that civilization is currently facing, it is necessary to learn to adapt and be guided by your inner compass and creativity. Nature Quest allows you to explore your inner territory and let your” blind spots” transform and evolve. It is necessary to be open, aware, and responsive to act with laser-focused clarity to the challenges triggered by emerging and rapid changes, moment to moment. Consequently, finding the tools and methods and building the capacity to ground and balance yourself to stabilize your core during rapid and emerging change is important. This foundation would allow you to access and tune into the inner condition, the deep code that appears to be ingrained in our essence, formed within the evolutionary cycle of humankind, your wild, true Nature. This is where you will tune in to balance and harmony within yourself in any context. It is surprisingly simple, yet it holds the answer for resilience and stability.

If you are wrestling with a big, burning question, decision, or sense, you’re being called to something greater in life. The Quest will take you away from your everyday pressures and responsibilities. It will allow you to get quiet, dig deep, and connect with what’s most important in your life. You will gain fresh perspectives on challenging issues and important decisions.
Nature Quest is a practical nature-based wisdom, awareness training, and retreat in the wilderness, combined with a contemporary Solo in Nature. Experiencing a Nature Quest can have a profoundly transforming effect on your life. The fundamental purpose is to provide a straightforward introduction to sensing and integrating perceptual refinement with meditating upon sensorial connections with Nature – utilizing the core principles of relaxation and presence – to become and remain grounded.

Sunday, June 22nd – Saturday, June 28th  FULL
Sunday, June 29th – Saturday, July 5th
Sunday, August 24th  – Saturday August 30st
Ottfjället, Vålådalen
OBS Price will change on February 1st from 12.500 SEK (1087 €) to 13.500 SEK (1174 €) Inc VAT.  Invoice is subject to Swedish VAT, 25%  according to EU-directive 53

Cancellation Policy:
If a participant cancels within one month before the start date, 50% will be refunded, and if cancelled within two weeks before the start date, 25% will be refunded.


The Nature Quest
Transformation starts with our inner selves, and Nature Quest provides a setting for you to establish a deeper inner connection. By helping to remove the noise of everyday life, you will enable yourself to connect to what is emerging in your life and get in touch with your deeper purpose and source. We invite you to immerse yourself and listen inwards. To de-mask and join a safe space away from societal expectations. You will gain a re-calibrated inner compass to summon balance and focus on ”the inner place” where decisions are made. In genuine participation with Nature through sensory and direct experience, we reach a place of deep knowledge and tap into our inner wisdom.

If you are wrestling with a big, burning question, decision, or feeling, you’re being called to something greater in life. Nature Quest will take you away from your everyday pressures and responsibilities. It will allow you to get quiet, dig deep, and connect with your source and what’s most important in your life.

Nature as the classroom

Beautiful mountains are not only an adventure or an inspiring background but a catalyst that boosts deeper and more long-lasting insights. Nature has all the time in the world. When you are out there, you automatically relax into the present moment. Weather and wind, light and darkness, hunger and thirst divide our time organically according to Nature. Our place is carefully chosen in the forests and above the timberline in the mountains of Vålådalens Nature Reserve.

A Nature Quest often results in a dramatic reduction of daily stress, increased creativity, and a more precise, centred, and harmonious awareness, all of which help you be well-equipped to handle life’s challenges and opportunities. If you choose to trust, the natural world can support you in bringing profound peace, self-respect, and revelation – your authentic self. By maintaining a high degree of presence, you get the basic fundaments for learning and develop the skills to increase capacities for adaptation and creativity. All choice-making in all possible contexts is founded on these capacities. Once a person masters the skills, she can respond to any circumstances. This is how the deep code for creativity and learning can be applied in everyday life.

The Process
The group size (<15) allows each person ample opportunity to receive focused attention and personal coaching and benefit from the wisdom and experience of other group members.

> Day one & two – Wisdom and Intention
Assess where you are right now and identify your work and personal areas that need attention. Clarify what area(s) you want to explore during your solo time on days 2-6. Learn to utilize the GetWiLD process to calibrate the inner compass.

> Solo days – Insight
Spend solo days outdoors in the mountains, the forest, or the lake. Described as a profound
” presencing” experience. Days 2 -6 are a unique opportunity to be alone and fully experience and reconnect with Nature and GetWiLD.

> Re-entry and Integration day
Tell the story of your solo experience and expand your understanding of its message and meaning. Weave your insights from the days into a compelling vision that will inspire you to practical action. Clarify and commit to what it will take to realise your new vision.


The Location
Vålådalen Nature Reserve is a beautiful pristine mountain area near Åre in Northern Sweden. Vålådalen is a valley by the Sami village Handöls Sami village, located in the region Jämtland. Vålådalens Turiststation offers many attractive alternatives for accommodation and lodging before and after the solo. It is the gateway to Jämtland’s vast, unspoiled, and richly beautiful nature reserve. The solo spots are a stiff 3-8 km walk through the Ottfjället mountains. See more at

The Climate
The weather can be quite unstable, varying from snow and near-freezing temperatures to about 25 degrees Celsius. We urge you to check weather forecasts regularly before going. Up-to-date reports in Swedish and English can be found on

Getting There
The nearest village with a train station is Undersåker. From here, it is approximately 30 kilometres to Vålådalen. A local bus service can bring you to Vålådalen. The most accessible mode of transport is by train from Stockholm Central. Leave at either 06:21 on Saturday, arriving in Undersåker at 17.35. or 06:21 on Sunday, arriving in Undersåker at 14:29. On the way back, we suggest taking the train at 15.21 on Saturday from Undersåker, arriving in Stockholm at 22:00.Check timetables and booking trains on
Alternatively, you can fly to Östersund and take public transport to Undersåker. Read more >>

To become grounded
To cope with the many challenges in our contemporary world is like ”surfing at the edge of chaos,” and a proper stance is key. Your inner condition will be the ”stance” to make it possible to adapt to the uncertainty of change in any given context”. Refining each field of awareness and senses will make you mentally and physically better prepared, more present, attuned, and aware. Sensing and meditation are ways to open up for clarity and cultivate intuition. This inner work will facilitate you in opening up on a human-nature deep ecological level.

This foundational approach starts with relaxation, which opens the path by releasing all forms of contraction, tension, and blockage and holding on to the past, present, and future. This helps to be truly open to what is there, within yourself and beyond, within the tangible and intangible domains. Ultimately, it is experienced as a complete surrender to the truth of here and now, bringing in the stillness and deep presence of the moment. The possibility of realising presence naturally arises once the tensions and blockages are released.

”To be fully present allows us to deeply connect, sense and listen into whatever appears moment by moment. All distractions dissolve in the only time: now” – John P Milton – Way of Nature.

Researchers have identified two forms of attention: focus and non-focus. Focus attention is used in everyday life and is very demanding because competing stimuli must be eliminated. This brain frequency appears mainly in the left hemisphere. Overusing it creates mental stress, dysfunctions, and reduced tolerance for disappointments and misfortunes. Non-focused attention generates creativity, curiosity, and rapture. It comes spontaneously with pleasing sights, sounds, and smells. Non-focused attention seems to be a distinctive feature of the right hemisphere.

Consciously entering into the non-focused attention frequencies is one of the central skills we practice at our Nature Quest programs. Our aim is that all our participants will be more creative and balanced after having rediscovered and exercised their senses, thus enabling them to enter into the different domains and facets of their consciousness, all according to the demands of the situation. Read more: This is your brain on Nature – National Geographic.

During most Nature Quests, we suggest but do not insist that you fast during the Solo period. We have had great success with the ’Master Cleanse’ as our method of choice. Master Cleanse instructions will be included in the packing list. If you choose to fast, your diet before and after the solo should be light and easy to assimilate. If you do not fast, we suggest you keep on a light and simple diet, with only two meals a day, and progressively reduce the amount of food eaten (particularly heavier foods) the longer you are out on the Solo. Be sure to drink at least half a gallon of water daily, even if fasting. You will bring your food during the Solo if you are eating. Read what the science says: Fasting can help against brain diseases – The Guardian.


Nature Quest by Göran Gennvi

This is how it goes:
Before the Quest, you will receive a welcoming call and a preparing letter with practical advice about the Quest, gear and advice for preparation, etc. Attached is also a recommended but voluntary questionnaire, ”The U Journaling Practice,” to read and answer (only for yourself) with the purpose of better tuning in mind, heart, and soul to the Quest.

Digital Teaching – a 90-minute digital introduction and getting to know each other to build security and trust in the group. Assess where you are right now and identify your work and personal areas that need attention. Clarify what area(s) you want to explore during your solo time on Days 2-6. Learn to utilize the GetWiLD process to calibrate the inner compass. A brief introduction to Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address, The Medicine Wheel, The 12 Principles, The U Journaling Practice, and Sensing e t c Q & A

day 1On-site TeachingWisdom and Intention
Assess where you are right now and identify your work and personal areas that need attention. Clarify what area(s) you want to explore and develop during your solo time on Day 2-(6). Learn and practice some Deep Relaxation, Presence, and Nature Awareness tools. Practice and learn the GetWiLD tool and methods like; The Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address, The Medicine Wheel, The 12 Principles, The U Journaling Practice, and Sensing for calibrating the inner compass.

day 2-5Solo days & nights – Insight
Spending solo days outdoors in the mountains or archipelago is a profound” presencing” experience. Days 2 – 5 are a unique opportunity to be alone and fully experience and reconnect with Nature. Practice and cultivate Relaxation, Presence, and Nature Awareness for Deep Adaptation.
With the help of carefully selected and well-proven methods, the relationship between inner and outer Nature is deepened. Layer after layer is peeled off with the help of powerful tools until you reach the innermost core, at which point you have the opportunity to reset the Source code.

The layers peeled off are the blockages that stand in the way and prevent us from hearing ourselves and our true Nature (the source), the constant vibration through life and existence. A deep sense of meaning for those who can perceive and open their deepest consciousness, give up, and realize and surrender to the spiritual gift of being part of the metabolism in communion with all other life forms.

day 6Re-Entry and Integration
Integrate the story of your solo experience and expand your understanding of its message and meaning. Weave your insights from the days into a compelling vision that will inspire you to practical action. Clarify and commit to what it will take to bring your new vision and insights into reality.

day 7Departure & Arrival
We will gather before lunch on the arrival day and prepare for the Solo. In this case, a Solo is spent alone on an island or a mountain slope with your ”Self.” Then, around noon on the re-entry day, we will come back together to integrate the Solo experience before you return to the ’civilization.’ Depending on the participants ’ language, the quest will be held in either English or Swedish.

Your safety and well-being during the Nature Quest are of our utmost concern. Participating in a Nature Quest is as safe as going on a hike. Daily checks allow for verifying the safety of everyone involved while still honouring your solitude. A base camp is nearby, and a call will bring an adjoining solo partner or guide to your site shortly. During the Solo, no reading, writing, or campfires are recommended. You may fast or eat simple foods of your preference and enjoy the comforts of your tent. When you remove the demands, habits, and trappings of everyday life, the essence of yourself can be revealed.


“When faced with no distractions (no people, no phone, no books), no routines or decisions (no dressing, no cooking), no tasks, not even time-tracking (just the sun), something magical happened.
I started paying attention. Once I accepted and got past the boredom that naturally arose, a whole new world opened up. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
I started seeing connections in nature, my senses became more sensitive, and I started seeing bigger systems of how things are connected. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
I started seeing all the small details of things I had no idea was there and realized not only how magical everything is, from a “simple” blueberry to myself, but I started seeing, and more importantly, feeling, how it’s all part of one system, how WE are all part of one system. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
I started calling it true presence to myself because it felt more real. I wasn’t just there as a person observing an item or an experience; I WAS the experience!⠀
In that presence, in that state of mind, lived only joy and love. I was blown away.
Actually, after a while, I started laughing. Laughing at the irony of how we’re all walking around half miserable seeking happiness when all we have to do is stop and start paying attention. To ourselves. To other people. To all the beauty around us and inside of us. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

A #NatureQuest can really be a life-changing experience. It surely was for me. If you’re in Sweden and want to know more, head over to @naturacademy.
