Transformativt Ledarskap

Transformativt Ledarskap innebär att vi likt en ”pathfinder och spårare” ständigt noterar, fångar upp och utvärderar de svagaste signaler och mönster i omvärlden med knivskarp skärpa och närvaro. Det handlar om att läsa av hur förutsättningar ändras i ett flertal relevanta dimensioner inom det landskap man som ledare manövrerar i. Utmaningen för ledarskapet ligger i att hantera dilemman som uppstår mellan aktörer när stor oenighet råder. Vi bekantar oss med dess kännetecken och dess utmaningar och övar metoder och verktyg och utforskar vad som vidgar tankerummet och handlingsrummet både individuellt och kollektivt.


What: the training aims to develop the transformative abilities to lead change and development by creating commitment consensus and developing skills in groups and organisations.
Why: A dynamic, complex and unpredictable market requires leadership of a different nature than when existence is characterised by predictability and stability.
Who: individuals who want and are expected to lead change and development.
Where: as far as possible in beautiful natural environments
The goal: through the training, the participant:
* developed the thinking and understanding of systems and complexity,
* developed personal leadership (striving/self-leadership)
* developed the ability to lead change (generative dialogue)
* developed and raised awareness of transformative abilities, etc.

In an increasingly dynamic, complex and unpredictable market, leadership of a different nature is required than when life is characterised by predictability and stability. Transformative Leadership means that like a ”pathfinder”, one constantly notes, captures and evaluates the weakest signals and patterns in the outside world with razor-sharp sharpness and presence. It is about reading how conditions change in several relevant dimensions within the landscape you are manoeuvring in. For example:
– in power relations (who decides what and how)
– in resource flows (who gets what and how)
– in roles and routines (who does what and how)
– in beliefs, values and worldviews (Self, We and Wider We). Often the changes occur in several of these levels at the same time.

Leadership and reaching people deeply
Creating commitment and motivation for a behaviour change requires a deep understanding of the individual’s values, beliefs and worldviews. When this happens collectively in a group (and which is felt to be important for the individuals to belong to), and the members of the group confirm and reinforce each other’s experience, then power and commitment can be released so that both individually and in groups, you jointly adopt challenging and complex change processes. For leadership, this means being able to prioritise, create a common vision and collaboration, and follow up efforts and operations in a world that is unpredictable and complex. It means capturing commitment, building consensus and leveraging the skills of the group and organisation. That leadership shows the way without standing in the way. Through dialogue, let everyone make their voice heard without silencing others and create the conditions for constant learning by allowing people to draw their conclusions about the conditions for success.


Complexity thinking – seeing and understanding the whole
Complexity is characterised by a high degree of fragmentation, and we are interwoven with many interdependencies between individuals, organisations, nations or professions. The challenge for leadership lies in managing the dilemmas between actors when there is great disagreement. That is when there are many different answers to complex questions and differences in values, beliefs and worldviews and thus a low degree of consensus.
in education, we train ourselves to see, note and describe connections and relationships and thus increase our knowledge and understanding of complexity.

We familiarise ourselves with its characteristics and challenges in order, starting from the complexity matrix (see image below), to go through and practice methods and tools and explore what makes it possible to widen the thinking space and, thus, the action space individually and collectively.
– notes observe, and from there formulate important questions, both for the individual and the organisation – (challenge reality)
– listens, feels in and lets go to let the new emerge – (reflection in silence)
– tries, tests and evaluates new possibilities (fantasising)
– safeguards and manages the new – (act)

Getting to know oneself and developing personal leadership (self-leadership)
An insecure and anxious leader needs to create the necessary security to achieve courage, motivation and desire to move forward into unknown terrain, neither in oneself nor in those one leads. Transformative Leadership provides an opportunity to completely tune into one’s true nature to get to know oneself deeply so that you stand firm in your fundamental values. Embracing your strengths, weaknesses, and fears is a prerequisite for creating trust and confidence, leading to uncertainty and unpredictability. It’s about growing as a person. To expand your abilities – to create what you desire, what gives meaning, what you want to contribute to, and how you want to make a difference.

After mentoring thousands of leaders from all levels of society and all continents, we have identified the evolution-refined code that has helped us adapt and survive through all of evolution’s challenges. Over the years, we have confirmed that restoring the foundational code often leads to a life-changing, existential breakthrough for participants, necessary to help the individual progress to the next level. The programme’s module, reflection in seclusion, being allowed to think long thoughts but also to let go completely, is given the weight, seriousness and respect it deserves as a method of transformative development. The professional, experience-based framework that the power of the method requires allows us to collaborate with therapists and doctors as complementary competencies to support when required.

To lead change through transformative dialogues
To lead change and gain access to collective intelligence through dialogue and the art of thinking together. This module is one of the cornerstones of the training as it has been shown that having difficult conversations is many leaders’ weakest link. The module aims to build a solid foundation for those who lead development and change through conversations and meetings. A competence that has become increasingly central as the complexity and unpredictability of working life and society increases. Examples of areas we cover:
– Increase understanding of the possibilities and difficulties of conversation.
– Establish a common conceptual apparatus and frame of reference around the important conversations.
– Learn to interpret and understand what happens in different conversations.
– Learn how we can influence a conversation in the right direction.
– Gain insight into what is required to build a conversational culture (see Transformative Dialogue)
Transformative learning occurs when psychological safety is high through room for trial and failure with others. Individual and leadership development in fundamental transformation also requires reflection in privacy. You can think of both long thoughts but also let go completely.

To develop transformative abilities
Research in cognitive neuroscience, psychology, and behavioural economics has identified transformative abilities and necessary skills to empower the possibility of better decision-making, growth, and well-being. The abilities the researchers identified are openness, compassion, perspective-taking, self-leadership and meaning-making. This cannot be done by going and learning compassion or openness, for example, but through transformative learning, it is possible to develop and strengthen these abilities as tools for new insights and to become better at leading in and managing complexity, for example. Only when we can navigate ourselves can we take greater responsibility for our surroundings and contribute to long-term sustainability in ourselves, others and society. Through our close relationship with and collaboration with the Ekskäret Foundation, we always have access to the latest research front, methods and tools in transformative learning. Developing personal leadership and getting to know oneself through self-leadership is crucial for any leader.

To move forward into uncharted territories, a leader must first overcome insecurity and anxiety by creating a sense of security within themselves and among those they lead. Transformative Leadership offers individuals a unique opportunity to connect with their inner selves and deeply understand their core values. By embracing their strengths, leaders can develop the courage, motivation and desire needed to lead with confidence and integrity.

The structure of the education
The education integrates theory, practical skills and personal development into a whole. It gives you broad and useful knowledge about how to gain depth and success through systems thinking in different conversations, regardless of what role you have today. You get practical tools and a well-founded theoretical base that you constantly put in relation to who you are and those you meet, regardless of whether we meet physically or digitally.

For who
The training is aimed at you who, in your work, are expected to succeed in leading development, change and renewal. You can be a manager or have responsibility for leading processes in the organisation, be an internal or external consultant or coach, teacher/trainer, supervisor or therapist. Maybe you still need to be one of those, but dream of becoming one and see that this could be an excellent way to prepare. In addition, the training allows one to become a certified WiLD Pathfinder.

Course date and location, 2023
The program adapts between physical and digital meetings.
Six-course opportunities with intermediate homework assignments
Number of participants
Physical + digital meetings < 16 pers
Price quoted per person. depending on the number and overheads, e.g. literature and board and lodging at boarding school are extra.
Group bookings are agreed upon separately.


Course leader
For 30 years now, Göran Gennvi has been an organisation and leadership consultant in his own company, focusing on leadership training, executive and group supervision and group development. Göran has a solid education and experience. among other things, he was educated by Daniel Kim, Wiliam Isaaks, Peter Senge and Otto Scharmer in Systems Thinking, Dialogue and Organizational Learning and the U-process and also trained in Gestalt pedagogy by Barbro Curman and Lars Norberg-Perlan Diolog and Leadership. Since 1992, Göran has conducted leadership and organisational training through IFL (SSE Executive Education) at the School of Economics—sustainable development via Det Naturliga Steget, and sustainable business development via the Board Academy’s higher education. Göran has worked as a Senior Advisor at the Tällberg Foundation, board member of the Society for Organizational Learning Sweden (SoL), and sits on the board of Green Cross Sweden, Albaeco at the Stockholm Resilience Center and Stiftelsen Ekskäret.

Below are three successful customer cases concerning Transformative Leadership:

Thurne Teknik

>> Transformativt Ledarskap –  Houdinisportswear


>> Transformastivt Ledarskap – Thurne Teknik


>> Transformativt Ledarskap – Lifesum